I rounded off February with a cracking show in Victoria, and as the month draws to a close, now might be a good opportunity to take a moment to recap the events of the past few weeks… because a lot has happened.
With the release set for March 13, I prepped up press releases and submitted WAV/MP3 masters to 8D Promo who are plugging my upcoming EP, Real Age, and have already garnered plenty of positive feedback from DJs and hosts in Canada, the US, Scotland, and elsewhere. Last week I interviewed for the March issue of Beatroute, and I just played my debut gig in Victoria, supporting video-gaming, banging-technoing, arm-flailing live PA rockstar/legend that is Longwalkshortdock. Shouts to Dimitri from Atomique Productions for putting on a fantastic show, and to Miami Nights and G.I. Blunt for warming things up.
I just wanted to take an aside to spew profuse thank-yous at my friend! Dave (Longwalk) for giving me such an amazing opportunity to play at a premiere club, with fully-pro promotion and organisation, well-teched sound and an incredibly supportive and enthusiastic crowd. When I removed my ‘phones at the end of my set I was honestly taken aback at the level of applause and appreciation I received. I feel lucky to have been able to tap into his fanbase… so, thanks Dave, and thanks Victoria! I hope to see you again in a few months 😉
Here are some excellent photos courtesy of Victoria music photographer Colby Jay:
- Sugar Nightclub, Victoria BC – Feb 22/13
- Sugar Nightclub, Victoria BC – Feb 22/13
I wrote this on the ferry back from Vic… tired and bleary-eyed, but content and elated, with beautiful Colleen and Lala for company… so, life’s good 😉 Incidentally, I was listening to this on the way back, and so should you… it’s Sinesthetix’s new mix, and his submission to perform at Basscoast. This set honestly sounds so fresh, so new and so forward-thinking… my understanding of what “bass-music” is is telling me that this is what the drumnbass end of that genre should sound like, and the guy definitely deserves a slot.
[soundcloud width=450px, params=”color=ff69b4″]https://soundcloud.com/sinesthetix/happiness-is-a-warm-sub[/soundcloud]
To round off my eventful second month of 2013, I’ll be moving in to new digs in Kitsilano next weekend, and I’ll finally be liberating the bedroom from my studio equipment and setting up in a studio room… such luxury!